The vacating period will differ depending on the type of treatment you're having.
A rodent treatment incurrs no vacating period, in the case of a general pest treatment, eg: spiders, ants and other crawling insects, the vacating period is between 2-4 hours.
Generally 2 hours is sufficient, however if you have any children under 12 months, any asthmatics living in the home, or anyone with a heart condition, the vacating period is 4 hours.
The vacating period for a termite treatment will be between 8- 24 hours. You will be given an exact vacating period at the time of your booking.
All chemicals we use are designed to affect pests only they are very safe, in particular the chemicals used internally.
Externally, the chemicals are slightly stronger as it's the source area of where the pests appear and it's important that we gain control.
We ask customers to vacate only as a precaution, as the chemical is wet and requires time to dry.
Pets, especially dogs should be vacated for the specified vacating period unless they are placed in an area away from the areas treated.
Cats should be placed outside, as they will generally stay away from the treatment area on their own accord.
Fish tanks and bird cages should be covered with a sheet or towel.
If there is bad weather on the day of the treatment, you will receive a call from our office before the scheduled appointment time, the treatment will be rescheduled.
This will occur when it's raining, excessively windy or if rain is forecast within 2 hours of the treatment, as the chemically takes 2 hours to fully dry.
If you're having a rodent treatment, you don't need to prepare anything.
However, if you are having a general pest treatment you should put all food items away, including cookware, crockery and cutlery.
Externally, all clothes should be removed from the clothesline, all windows closed and pet bowls turned over.
The technician will advise if there are any other requirements on the day.
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